New Braunfels Orthodontics for All Ages

Savage Smiles for Children, Teens, & Adults

At Savage Orthodontics, we provide top-notch orthodontic treatment for your whole family. Whether you need metal braces, clear braces, or clear aligners, our friendly team works hard to help you get a straight, healthy smile that impresses everyone you meet — from school to work.


Orthodontics for Children

Blooming Smiles at a Young Age

An early consultation with Dr. Savage sets your child up for a lifetime of beautiful smiles. We check your little one for developing orthodontic issues and treat them with metal braces, clear braces, or clear aligners.

We strive to make our treatment deliver the lightest amount of force possible, and our child-friendly environment makes your kiddo’s first and succeeding appointments memorable, too!

A Closer Look at Early Treatment

Also called interceptive orthodontics, Phase I treatment occurs between the ages of six and nine. At this age, your child loses their baby teeth and starts to grow permanent teeth.

With Phase I treatment, we can stop serious bite and jaw problems before their adult teeth have fully come in.

Why Your Child Needs Early Treatment

Our team and the American Association of Orthodontists believe that your child needs to see an orthodontist by age seven to help accomplish the following:

  • Stop bad habits: Thumb-sucking and other harmful habits cause bite problems and affect your child’s jaw and face shape. With the right treatment, we can break these bad habits for good.
  • Improve self-confidence: A straight, healthy-looking smile is a huge confidence booster, making it easier for your child to talk to friends, classmates, and teachers.
  • Reduce the risk of oral problems: From overbites to dental crowding, orthodontic issues often lead to tooth decay, jaw pain, plaque build-up, and bad breath. Early treatment saves your child from surgeries and complex dental procedures.

5 Signs to Keep an Eye On for Your Child’s Smile

Protecting your little one’s smile comes down to knowing the early signs of orthodontic problems:

  • Speech problems
  • Difficulties with chewing or eating
  • Overcrowded or spaced teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
Breathing Easier with Orthodontics

Orthodontic Care for Better Breathing

At Savage Orthodontics, we understand that proper breathing is essential for overall health and well-being. Our airway-focused treatments not only align your teeth but also improve your ability to breathe deeply and comfortably.

The Importance of Airway Health

Breathing isn’t just about airflow—it’s about life quality. Many children and teens who experience airway issues can benefit from orthodontic interventions that enhance nasal breathing.

This shift from mouth breathing to nasal breathing can improve sleep, focus, and overall vitality.

Signs of Airway Issues in Children & Teens

Certain symptoms can indicate airway problems in your child or teen. Watch for signs like snoring, mouth breathing, open bites, or teeth that stick out (“buck teeth”). These are often red flags that your child’s airway might need attention, and early treatment can make a significant difference in their life.

How Expansion Treatments Help

Expansion treatments can change lives by opening up the airway. By widening the upper jaw, we help convert mouth breathers into nasal breathers, enhancing the flow of air and improving sleep quality.

These treatments not only support proper breathing but also promote better oral and overall health.

New Braunfels Braces

Orthodontics for Teens

Straighter, More Savage Smiles for Teens

For teenagers, a beautiful smile oozes power and confidence. But your teen’s busy life can make it tough to keep up with their oral health. That’s where Savage Orthodontics comes in.

We create personalized treatment plans to fit your teen’s unique needs and smile. With the help of our expert team, your teen can stay on top of their academics, social life, and oral care.

The Perks of Teen Treatment

Phase II treatment begins when your teen is between 11 to 14 years old. This is the age when most of their permanent teeth have erupted.

Here’s why your teen needs Phase II treatment:

  • Improves physical appearance: Dr. Savage checks the positions of your teen’s teeth to ensure optimal jaw development and facial symmetry, helping them become confident in school.
  • Straightens bite: An aligned bite keeps oral issues at bay and makes dental hygiene easier for your teen.
  • Minimizes speech difficulties: When your teen has aligned jaws, everyone can better understand what they’re saying, facilitating clear and articulate communication in the classroom and at home.

Treatment for Teens

Orthodontic treatment for teenagers is more than just braces. In our New Braunfels clinic, we offer alternative treatment options for your teen:

  • Clear aligners: These aligners sit well on your teen’s teeth like a super comfortable glove. These appliances are also removable, so your child can eat and drink whatever satisfies their cravings.
  • Ceramic braces: These are like metal braces — just much more discreet. The ceramic brackets provide a cleaner look on your teen’s smile, making the treatment less noticeable to the naked eye.
  • Metal braces: Metal braces have always been the top choice for treatment. Though more noticeable, these appliances can treat severe orthodontic problems and accurately move teeth into alignment.

Orthodontics for Adults


Smile Solutions That Know No Age

At Savage Orthodontics, we believe you’re never too old to up your orthodontic care game.

Because adults also deserve a beautiful smile, we’ll tailor your treatment plan to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

Although treatment may take longer, our team will always be here to educate and support you throughout your orthodontic journey.

Reasons to Get Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Nowadays, it’s not just teenagers who are getting treatment. We share three reasons why adults need orthodontic treatment:

  • Improved physical appearance: While a put-together wardrobe reflects your style, a well-aligned smile shows how much you care about your oral health. It gives you a lifetime of self-confidence, so you can make an impact in your personal and professional life.
  • Better health: By having your smile treated by our team, we also address the risks that come with irregular bites — including bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay.
  • Treat teeth shifting: Would you believe your teeth shift as you get older? With our metal braces, clear braces, and clear brackets, we’ll work hard to perfectly align your teeth.

Find a Lifetime of Smile Success

Whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, you deserve an orthodontic treatment that elevates your smile to new heights.

Together with Dr. Savage, we can help you reach your smile goals. Contact our New Braunfels office today for a free consultation and start your smile journey in no time.